A question was recently asked in the TechNet Lync Server forums which seemed unique enough to warrant a quick blog article based on the fact that it did take a few minutes to explain the response.

When using the basic Get-CsUser cmdlet in Lync Server, as with many other “Get” cmdlets, not all of the applicable parameters for the object are listed by default.  As some configuration objects may include tens or even hundreds of parameters then listing all by default would be quick way to make these commands useless for day-to-day administrative tasks.

This article shows how to identify exactly which additional parameters are available for a specific cmdlet and then by querying only a few specific parameters how to verify an individual Lync user’s Telephony mode configuration based on the results.

Viewing Additional Parameters

There are two ways that this can be accomplished, either by listing all parameter values for the Lync user account (which can return a lot of unwanted information), or by identifying the specific parameters and then querying for only those.

  • Using the Lync Server Management Shell enter the following cmdlet to list all of the possible parameters for the Get-CsUser cmdlet.

PS C:\> Get-CsUser Jeff | fl *

SamAccountName                    : jeff
UserPrincipalName                 : jeff@schertz.local
FirstName                         : Jeff
LastName                          : Schertz
WindowsEmailAddress               :

The Get-CsUser documentation only lists the common parameters but in the detailed description there is a note which explains that the general Get-Member PowerShell cmdlet can be used to list all of the  possible parameters for a given cmdlet.

  • Using the Lync Server Management Shell enter the following cmdlet to list all of the possible parameters for the Get-CsUser cmdlet.

PS C:\> Get-CsUser | Get-Member -MemberType Properties

   TypeName: Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Schema.OCSADUser

Name                              MemberType Definition
—-                              ———- ———-
AcpInfo                           Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
ArchivingPolicy                   Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
AudioVideoDisabled                Property   System.Boolean AudioVideoDisabl…
ClientPolicy                      Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
ClientVersionPolicy               Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
ConferencingPolicy                Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
DialPlan                          Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
DisplayName                       Property   System.String DisplayName {get;…
DistinguishedName                 Property   System.String DistinguishedName…
Enabled                           Property   System.Boolean Enabled {get;set;}
EnabledForFederation              Property   System.Boolean EnabledForFedera…
EnabledForInternetAccess          Property   System.Boolean EnabledForIntern…
EnabledForRichPresence            Property   System.Boolean EnabledForRichPr…
EnterpriseVoiceEnabled            Property   System.Boolean EnterpriseVoiceE…
ExternalAccessPolicy              Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
FirstName                         Property   System.String FirstName {get;set;}
Guid                              Property   System.Guid Guid {get;}
HomeServer                        Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
HostedVoiceMail                   Property   System.Nullable`1[[System.Boole…
HostedVoicemailPolicy             Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
HostingProvider                   Property   System.String HostingProvider {…
Identity                          Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
IPPBXSoftPhoneRoutingEnabled      Property   System.Boolean IPPBXSoftPhoneRo…
IsValid                           Property   System.Boolean IsValid {get;}
LastName                          Property   System.String LastName {get;set;}
LineServerURI                     Property   System.String LineServerURI {ge…
LineURI                           Property   System.String LineURI {get;set;}
LocationPolicy                    Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
MobilityPolicy                    Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
Name                              Property   System.String Name {get;set;}
ObjectCategory                    Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
ObjectClass                       Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
ObjectState                       Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
OriginatingServer                 Property   System.String OriginatingServer…
OriginatorSid                     Property   System.Security.Principal.Secur…
PinPolicy                         Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
PresencePolicy                    Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
PrivateLine                       Property   System.String PrivateLine {get;…
ProxyAddresses                    Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
PublicNetworkEnabled              Property   System.Boolean PublicNetworkEna…
RegistrarPool                     Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled Property   System.Boolean RemoteCallContro…
SamAccountName                    Property   System.String SamAccountName {g…
Sid                               Property   System.Security.Principal.Secur…
SipAddress                        Property   System.String SipAddress {get;s…
TargetRegistrarPool               Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
TargetServerIfMoving              Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
TenantId                          Property   System.Guid TenantId {get;set;}
UserPrincipalName                 Property   System.String UserPrincipalName…
VoicePolicy                       Property   Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConn…
WhenChanged                       Property   System.Nullable`1[[System.DateT…
WhenCreated                       Property   System.Nullable`1[[System.DateT…
WindowsEmailAddress               Property   System.String WindowsEmailAddre…

Notice that this list is much longer than the ~20 parameters that the cmdlet returns by default.

  • To query for one of the additional parameters above a Lync user issue the following example cmdlet to return the ProxyAddresses value for the Lync user ‘Jeff’.  The optional ExpandProperty switch can be used in front of the desired parameter if the results are longer than what can fit on a single line in the command window.

PS C:\> Get-CsUser Jeff | Select-Object –ExpandProperty ProxyAddresses


Verifying Telephony Settings

The Lync user’s Telephony configuration is actually not a single parameter which would be stamped with a specific value as it appears in the Lync Server Control Panel.

The following screenshot depicts who the Telephony setting seems to look like a single setting.


But the actual configuration is stored on the user account by either enabling or disabling a number of different parameters.  For the five different telephony settings there are actually up to three different user parameters which may be modified when this setting is changed in the control panel.

These parameters are highlighted in yellow in the Get-Member output shown a few steps previous

Name                              MemberType Definition
—-                              ———- ———-
AudioVideoDisabled                Property   System.Boolean AudioVideoDisabl…
EnterpriseVoiceEnabled            Property   System.Boolean EnterpriseVoiceE…
RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled Property   System.Boolean RemoteCallContro…

Thus, to identify the configuration of a Lync user simple query all three of these values to identify their values which can be used to deduce the actual Telephony mode setting.

  • Use the following cmdlet to return only the three desired parameters, using the Format-List (‘fl’) switch to provide for easier reading of the results.

PS C:\> Get-CsUser Jeff | Select-Object EnterpriseVoiceEnabled, RemoteCallControl
TelephonyEnabled, AudioVideoDisabled | fl

EnterpriseVoiceEnabled            : True
RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled : False
AudioVideoDisabled                : False

The results clearly show that his account is enabled for Enterprise Voice as only one of the parameters is set to true.  But other settings are not quite as easily to clarify, so the following table can be referenced to identity which Telephony mode the user is configured for based on which parameters are enabled or disabled.

Telephony Mode EnterpriseVoiceEnabled RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled AudioVideoDisabled
Audio Video Disabled False False True
PC-to-PC Only (Default) False False False
Enterprise Voice True False False
Remote Call Control False True False
Remote Call Control Only False True True

Note:  Enterprise Voice and Remote Call Control modes are mutually exclusive and cannot both be enabled on the same account at the same time.

By Jeff Schertz

Site Administrator

5 thoughts on “Viewing Lync User Telephony Modes in PowerShell”
  1. Is it possible to enable a Remore Call Control user using Exchange UM for voicemail to access it using the Visual Voicemail feature in the Lync client? And if yes, how?

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Very useful information.
    I currently enable new AD users via a script each night:

    "get-csaduser -filter {Enabled -ne $True} -OU "OU=example,DC=example" | Enable-CsUser -RegistrarPool localfqdn -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain localdomain"

    Is there a parameter for setting telephony to 'remote call control only'? Currently it defaults to 'PC-to-PC only'
    We do not have Enterprise Voice deployed.

    Thanks in advance.

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