The next round of quarterly Skype for Business Users Group meetings has been announced and scheduled starting this month.


Latest News

Please welcome our newest chapter in Austin, TX as their inaugural meeting kicks off on November 10th.

Event Details

This quarter’s events will be conducted in our familiar two-session format:

The first session will take a look back at troubleshooting topics old and new in the Skype for Business platform.

The second session will be cover the next generation of Skype Room System conference room solutions, followed by open discussions with any remaining time.

Industry Experts will be on-site to deliver these presentations and help answer any questions related to Skype for Business.  Food, beverages and additional door prizes will be provided courtesy of the Skype for Business Users Group and its official sponsors.

Western U.S.

Central U.S.

Southern U.S.

Eastern U.S.


For a full schedule of regional events the Skype for Business Users Group Meetups page lists all planned event locations with links to the associated registration page for each regional group.  For anyone who is not yet a member and would like to participate simply visit the site listed above and register for your local group, this will automatically create a new user account for you to use again for all future event registrations..

Chicago Event

As usual I will be hosting the Chicago event, but in a different location.  This will be the first event hosted in the suburban Microsoft office and depending on the turn-out we may look into rotating the event location between downtown and suburban locations each quarter, or possibly even hosting two Chicago events per quarter.

Food will be ready at 5:30 so come early if you can to spend time socializing with the group before the presentations begin at 6:00.

Date Location Address
Thursday, November 3rd
5:30PM – Food and Networking 
6:00 PM – Presentation Kickoff
Chicago Users Group Microsoft Midwest District Office
3025 Highland Pkwy., Suite 300
Downers Grove, IL 6051

By Jeff Schertz

Site Administrator

4 thoughts on “Fall 2016 SkypeUG Meetings”
  1. Hi Jeff hope you are going well,
    I’m need for your help, I have configure a polycom hdx8000 for S4B, but the problem that I had it’s on the polycom calendar when I try to see a meeting I can’t found the botton “join now”, to access to the meeting from the polycom. can you plz help for this issue.
    many thanks

  2. I need help, you have the best blogs on the net in regards to SFB and Lync13
    I have a LYNC13 environment working with FE and Edge servers, federation, presence, screen sharing, audio/video
    I have a new SFB FE server, configured to use existing Lync13 Edge server
    I am able to receive IM from federated parties, but I cannot send IM or see presence of federated parties.

    I believe I have gone through all steps required, but still just not working
    I have details and logs in a forum thread, but are you able to offer any advice or guidance please?

    1. Brad, one-way federated presence/IM issues are typically either related to the configuration (something missing on one side or the other) or a firewall somewhere in between limiting communications in one direction.

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